Sunday, June 21, 2015

Jessilynn 1.2 - Master Farmer!

I didn't forget about Jessi, I have just been busy playing my Wishacy for a bit. Now I am back and have decided on the real challenge I am doing. It is called a Completion Challenge and found over on a yahoo group. I changed to chapters for now to represent who's completing these challenges as I do not think I am going to play this legacy style. I think instead, I will be having different Sims for each group of challenges that represents them. Jessi's is gardening, so once she is done with completing those I will probably be moving on to someone else to complete a new list. If she completes other things on the list in the meantime less for one of the others to complete later! So with all that said, let's get back to Jessi and her gardening!

As I stated in the last chapter, she had already completed 2 of the 3 challenges. The last challenge for gardening is Master Farmer: Master Farmers have harvested at least 650 fruits and vegetables. The plants of Master Farmers remain watered and fertilized longer, meaning their gardens are more efficient. And if you have a garden gnome he will come to life and water your garden.

 This will take us a bit, so we better get started.

 Great, she has the flu! Poor girl can't rest though, she has work to do!

 Her first big sale of her harvests, brings her $3108! Whew she needed the money!

 She then goes to talk to this handsome fellow Tom Shallow, and throws up right in front of him. Maybe I should of kept her at home.
Jessilynn: Maybe? Really?! How embarrassing!

Tom: She is seriously going to come talk to me after that? She should go brush her teeth first!
Jessilynn: I can hear you asshole, I'm sick, not deaf!
 She didn't have much time to talk to him, just enough to gain some social, then off again for more harvesting!

  She got 82 apples and 9 onions that go around. Then she headed off to the little garden on the side because she saw more that needed to be harvested.

She started off with 160 harvested previous, and ended with 330 for her days work.

Jessi harvested two more exotic eggs!

The next sale of the fruits and veggies brought in 4,955!

 This lot has so many uncommon seeds! Jessi went around picking them all up so she had more to plant without spending money. She also found an uncut sunstone worth $469! Going to get that cut to see how much she makes! Then she found another worth $475!

 Hahahahaa! Jessilynn snores! I have never heard them snore before!

She then sends a woohooty text to Tom on her own, so I mark it off the list.

 Jessilynn: He said he didn't feel like coming over!
"Well, you did just meet him!"
Jessilynn: But still, obviously I want sex if sent him a text about it! Dumbass!

Update on harvested plants, 489!

Dang it! I forgot to pay her bills! I then purchased her the no bills ever and super green thumb LTR points. A little late, but at least I got it for her. Now to find out what the repo man takes.

You witch! Are you trying to take her cow! Nope, just the lamp, I can replace that!

 Sold more produce for 4,306.

She wanted to throw a party, sadly it was suppose to be a pool party but she doesn't have a pool. Another sadly, she only knows two people! Marked off Have House Party because that was the option closest to pool party.

 Jessi: Leaving already Commando!?
"His name is Hunter and you didn't even greet him."
Jessi: Tom is hawt! I have to focus on him!
 Hunter is so anti social, he stands in the kitchen eating his pizza while Jessi and Tom eat in the dining room.

 "Oh screw you Tom!"
Tom: What are these! Why is she giving them to me!
Jessi: He rejected me.
"Yeah, he's an ass, we don't need him. Go talk to Hunter!  
 Jessi: He's weird!
"Just go, the party needs to be good! I'll even make him over for you!"
  "Ooooh Jessi, you might want to think twice about calling Hunter weird! He is totally better than Tom! Go get him!"
Jessi: What? Really?!
 Hunter plays in the sprinkler for a little bit (you know pool party and all) then they head back in the house to get to know each other. Jessi found out he was single, had compatible signs, and attractiveness 10/10. Now lets if he feels the same way!

The party ended before she could find anything else out, but it turned out to be a hit! Awesome in fact, on the verge of epic or something like that. After that she headed out to feed the chickens and got 2 more exotic eggs. They are keeping her afloat at least.

The next day she becomes a partner at the grocery store. I figure if she's going to keep selling to them for now she might as well get some money back!  

Our time with Jessi is almost up. I was debating if I was going to continue on and have her do as much as possible till she got to old, but I think I'll change sims each time to do a group of challenges. With Jessi's last harvest she is up to 615 harvested plants, probably one more harvest till it is completed.

She got to level 3 without ever burning anything. She burns the pancakes then her finger all in one cooking.

 She heads off for her last harvest. One trip around and no harvesting extra stuff she completes the Master Farmer challenge. That means all challenges in that area are done.

 Re-looking at my list, I decided Jessi should do the Gardening career also. I should of started that long ago! She heads down to City Hall and registers as a self employed gardener.

 Then she heads to the super market to turn in her produce. She gained 5 levels with that one trip, maybe this won't be too hard since she is maxed on everything.

 I also saw this challenge I still hadn't competed: Gardening—Plant all 32 types of plants (hit 100% with World Adventures, Late Night, Pets, and Showtime)

Hmmm, I'll have to look into that one, not sure if that means we need to travel to all destinations to get plants or what. I am confused on this one because looking up the list I count 61 different types of plants. With this one I am going to go with she needs to plant 32 different types of plants of the 61 or however many there really are. 

Her list so far: 

1. Apple Tree
2. Banana Tree
3. Basil
4. Bell Pepper Plant
5. Bumbleleaf
6. Carrot Plant
7. Cinnamon
8. Garlic Plant
9. Ghost Chili Bush
10. Ginseng 
11. Grapevine
12. Kona Bean Plant
13. Lettuce Plant
14. Licorice
15.  Lime Tree
16. Mandrake
17. Maui Bean Plant
18. Midnight Bean Plant 
19. Onion Plant
20. Peppermint
21. Potato Vine
22. Pumpkin Vine
23. Red Valarian
24. Sweet Grass
25. Tomato Plant
26. Watermelon Vine
27. Wolfsbane 

So there it stands for that. 5 more to go!   

I think this is pretty long so I will end this update for now. The list is updated here:

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