Thursday, April 23, 2015

Jessilynn 1.1 - It Was That Easy!

When we left Jessi last she was carrying on a conversation with Charles the chicken. After that she went to bed, it wasn't to thrilling so I didn't take pictures. You're welcome!

The next morning she wakes up hungry and decides she wants strawberry cobbler. Her house came with a baking stove along with her regular stove. Another new item I am checking out.

Jessi: Mmm they smell good, want some?
"How? Are you going to shove them through the screen?"
Jessi: I was just being nice, no need to be sour puss, go get more coffee!
"Just pay attention and don't burn down the house."

She actually didn't start a fire and made a really good looking cobbler, surprising!

After breakfast Jessi goes about her morning chores. Milking the cow (which is pointless really) feeding and collecting eggs from the chickens. This is her first morning in collecting eggs and boy does she get a surprise!

Two rare eggs! After looking if they were for anything but selling and finding nothing, she sold them for $3000! $1500 for one egg, oh yeah! With that she was able to pay her bills! No repo man for a little bit longer! She also got 8 regular eggs out of the chickens and placed them in her fridge for later cooking.

The plants were doing well and there was nothing for us to do for awhile. If you were wondering, yes she has sprinkles, watering by hand with this many plants would just be a lot of time wasted for other stuff.

Like playing in the tub!

She had way to much fun, but it was time to get back to work! Perfect plants don't grow themselves. With nothing else to do for them, Jessi decides to talk to them, hoping it will make them grow faster.

Jessi: And so if you grow real big I'll make you into a pie!
"I don't think they want to hear that you are going to cook them and eat them!" 
Jessi: Well what do you suggest? I tell them they are going to live happily ever after in my inventory?
"No, cause that would be lying! I have no idea, I do not have a green thumb or talk to plants." 
Jessi: Exactly! Then leave it the expert! Ignore her, she only thinks she's in control. Now, when I cut you up and place you in crust you'll feel all cozy!

With nothing better to do that night, Jessi went in search for seeds. It seems Riverview is lacking a lot of those but has a lot of wild horses running around!

She also collected a couple things: a large rock, a flower and a ladybug.

When she was back home I decided to let her spend a little of her bill money to buy a couple things. She got a table and chairs and a new couch, leaving her enough to pay a few more bills the next time they come.

I won't bore you with pictures each time we buy something new. I just wanted to show that she is making some progress with the house.

Her routine started to come together, get up, eat, check on plants feed and collect eggs from chickens. Oh another one of her traits is frugal, so she clips coupons also. One more to remember!

Later that day Jessi decided to try out fishing. It is not part of her challenge to fulfill but she needed money and the plants were taking forever.... three days!

She caught a goldfish and a trout. Total money brought in $10. Yeah, that is not the way to go.  She didn't catch anything till the evening either, all day wasted!

That night something amazing happened. Jessi completed her LTW! Are you kidding me?! Has anyone done this LTW it is so easy! Seriously she has like 17 days left till she is a full adult and it is already completed. Well then, guess that part of the challenge is done. And excuse the down walls, I just print screened real quick. Oh and look there are all her traits!

To celebrate an because she wanted to buy something on sale, Jessi decided she wanted to go shopping! So off to the consignment shop she went. She stopped first at the junk yard cause she saw a couple chairs that were not in that bad of shape and thought she could do something with them. Believe it or not she got a positive moodlet for salvaging them.

Now off to the consignment shop!

Jessi: What is wrong with people in this town?!
"I think he's insane."
Jessi: You think? That is kind of obvious.

I wasn't planning her to buy anything while we were there unless I saw it was for sale and really cheap. Then something caught my eye and I couldn't help but have her spend the money on it. She feels she was ripped off, but honestly I didn't care how much it cost.

It's like a chainsaw but with sucking power! She bought the harvester.

Then she got to level 10 in gardening.

After harvesting all she could at the community garden, she headed over to her dream home. Another new item I got for my game! It has a tractor! Get 'er done!

No one lived there and Jessi had the option to do all this stuff with the tractor, so she decided to harvest the plants that were there.

 Once all harvested we got another pop up. She had completed the second gardening challenge! Day 3 and we're already almost done! Not really that challenging. I guess if  I wasn't using some of the stuff like the sprinklers, harvester and tractor it would take a lot longer, but well they are in my game so by golly I am going to use them!

The last one will take us a bit, she has to harvest 650 fruits and veggies. Even with the tractor and harvester it will take more than a couple days.

Now to sell all this fruit and vegetables.

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