Just like with Jessilynn, I will be working toward the ultimate goal of hopefully doing all the stuff that has to do with ghosts with Adonis. I am not promising anything though! So don't quote me on that!
Anyways enough babbling, here is Adonis.
Adonis: Don't sound so enthused to introduce me!
"Sorry, I'll try harder next time."
Adonis: There won't be a next time! I'm already known now!
"I wouldn't go that far."
And here is his house. He has a more moderish look to his as he has nothing to do with farming!
Adonis: It's blue, my favorite color is purple.
"Quit bitching, you're lucky I didn't make it pink!"
Adonis: Well that would of been rude! I am a God!
"You are not, quit fibbing!"
Adonis wishes to join the ghost hunting career right off the bat, good thing as that is what we are doing! And so it begins. People not believing in the supernatural. We'll show them!
Adonis: Ghostbusters!
"Yes, gotta catch em' all!"
Adonis: That is Pokemon you freak!
"How do you even know that?"
He next attended a logic class and a inventing class. I've heard both skills are needed so we'll get a head start on them. I won't bore you with pictures of him coming out of the science building 3 times. Just know he took them.
After his classes Adonis went to the fall festival. It has been checked off the list but it was Spooky day today and I am hoping he'll be able to bob for apples.
Adonis is the first to get an apple out of the tub!
Adonis: Imf funy fpft igt gits?
Adonis: *spits out apple* I said I am hungry can I eat it?
"Oh, no. Concentrate on winning."
Half way through, Carmelo gives up and walks away.
Sadly Cliff wins leaving Adonis in second place. Damn!
He decides to enter the pie eating contest instead. It was too late though and he got kicked out. Guess we'll have to try again another day.
Being a ghost hunter Adonis will be sleeping most of the day and working nights. So the first night he stays up late to acclimate his schedule.
He clogs his toilet the first time he uses it. Guess his mac and cheese the night before was a bit much for it!
Adonis: Did you really have to tell them that!
"Hey, your life is for all to see, live with it!"
Adonis: I don't think I want to do this anymore.
"Touch cookie!"
His first night he has two jobs. After looking through the telescope he heads off to his first one.
He's such a cute little Ghostbuster!
Now I have no idea what I am doing here, like I said I've never played the ghost hunter career. I might get a few things wrong till I get the hang of it. Adonis needs to banish three spirits from the first house. Oh aren't they just cute! Its just a blob of color!
"You're missing!"
Adonis: I got it, shush!
Boy I hope he gets better at this, he is totally keeps pointing the wrong way! He did get it though and we get our first spirit ever!
The second spirit was young, friendly and worth $37. I don't think I'll screen capture all of them, that will be a lot.
Another friendly was caught and the job at that house was done. Told you his aim is way off!
Adonis heads over to the other house that is being haunted and starts to work on the 4 there. He catches all 4. Adding to his collection, kind, frightened, friendly that was ancient and a young friendly.
He had no other jobs for the night so he heads home.
Here is our first nights collecting. I''m not selling any yet till I know more what I am doing. I know they depreciate in value but the first group is okay. I have read that if you collect enough of one kind or whatever you can turn them into a ghost, so we will see.
*Side note* I was checking the challenge list against the challenges in the game. The list seems to be missing the last one. I might have to look at all the other challenges and make sure they are all correct.
Adonis started work on a Friday so sadly he now has two days off before he gets to collect more spirits. He'll be spending the weekend working on skills.
First thing we need, scrap! Apparently this lot doesn't want to render. He was there all day and that is as far as it got.
Not sure what is going on, but the world has been lagging pretty bad, even with Jessi at the end. I am going to move him somewhere else. I was hoping to see Jessi and Daisy but that doesn't look like it is going to happen. I've tried 3 times with him and it is almost just torture to play.
I was just going to load up a new Riverview and plop him in there and call it good. Then I had an ideaaaaaaa!

Seriously though I did have an idea, might not be a great idea but an idea just the same. Adonis is a Ghostbuster, and I haven't played Midnight Hollow yet so why the hell not move him there! Brilliant I am, I tell ya!
Okay sorry, trying to waste time while the world loads....
Well hmm, his house doesn't really go good here now does it! Maybe my idea wasn't so brilliant after all. Oh well, guess I'll try it out and see how it goes. I might have to change his house color, but then again we could always use brightness to cheer up our dark and dreary world.
Anyways with him place in Midnight Hollow, Adonis gets to work on inventing.
It's all fun and games till someones ass catches on fire! Dammit!
He runs to the shower and puts himself out. I might just have to put an outhouse out there right next to his inventing table.
"Oh my god, don't ever make that face again!"
Adonis: You look sexy while your ass is on fire!
"Hmm good point."
With his butt out, back to inventing! He lost a day in the move so he only has Sunday to get some inventing done before having to go back to work.
First invention is done. What is it?! I just realized I've never messed with the inventing bench really. Huh, good thing I'm doing this challenge huh!
Ah it's the tentacle wind up. Got it! I still have no idea if it does anything though.
Then he smashes his finger with a hammer... dumb ass.
Adonis: Fuck you!
Then he smashes his hand again. He just isn't having any luck with this shit! He is a level 5 now though so we'll keep going.
"Where the hell did you pull the burrito out of!?"
Adonis: The toilet, it keeps them fresh.
O_o *I have nothing to say to that.*
He ran out of scrap so we bought so more, that lasted not even one invention so back to the junkyard. Plus he gets to detonate stuff now!
"How the hell are you suppose to see it if you are behind the bushes!"
Adonis: At least I'm safe!
"We'll see, you seem to be accident prone."
That. Was. AWESOME! Lets blow up more shit!!
He then wished to blow 5 things up! Hell ya! CaBOOM! It's like Christmas in August in my game!
He only got one done before he was about to pass out, guess we'll have more fun later. I did make him get his scrap before leaving though.
Adonis' first job in Midnight Hollow has 5 spirits. Lag Lag Lag though.
Adonis: If you want me to banish the rest of these, you need to get the hell out of my way.
Ichabod: I just want to watch.
Adonis: Sorry, it's in the Ghostbuster handbook that is not allowed.
Ichabod: I jusssst want to watch.
Adonis: And you're in the military, I feel sorry for this town.
Ichabod finally moved his ass, and Adonis got to start getting the rest of the spirits.
"If there's something strange in your neighborhood. Who you gonna call? Adonis!"
Adonis: Would you stop! I can't concentrate while you cackle in my ear!
"Whatever, I have an awesome singing voice, my mother even says so!"
Adonis: She has to, she's your mother.
"Hey! All the drunk people at the bars think so too!"
Adonis: Key word. Drunk.
"Well at least my lips don't look like they are about ready to kiss a duck in heat!"
He gets his first promotion despite my singing!
"It's behind the tree, get it!"
Adonis: I see it, quit yelling!
"You are no fun, I might replace you!"
Adonis: Go ahead, I am a God, I will ruin all your other sims!
"Fine, just catch it, we don't have blue yet!"
"You can't touch them."
Adonis: I am leaving you home next time.
"Haha! Can't, because I am your Goddess!"
Adonis: Keep thinking that.
"I will, thanks."
So what you are not seeing with these pictures are the lag. I mentioned it, but you have no idea how long it took to get those 4 ghosts. Real time, almost an hour. I can't do it, I really want to play this world but not like this. He's moving again. If I have to I'll save him in CAS and he can be redone in a non laggy world and redo his ghost levels. So off to Dragon Valley now. I know that world is not laggy on my computer. I was having lag issues with Jessi at the end, so I don't now if it carried over to him when I switched households. Starting from scratch might be my best option. I know in my Wishacy hood I am up to week 10 and no where near this lag. I shouldn't be starting out in a world with this much.
*loading please wait*
Oh woo! I can move! Haven't place down Adonis yet, but just on the startup in the world I can move the camera around. Couldn't barely do that in Midnight Hollow. I will have to figure out why that is because it was fine when I went in to get Nervous out for the Total Sim Survivor challenge. Adonis didn't really fit in in Midnight Hollow anyways, he's too bright! I need to do the vampire challenge one in there probably.
It is now Sunday again, so Adonis gets back to inventing. He's a level 8 now.
Oh yeah, super speed is working again!
Adonis: Why do you keep making me do this! It fricking hurts!
"Well quit hammering your hand!"
Adonis: Touche!
He reaches level 10 in inventing! Now to make something more than wigits! If he can that is.
I forgot to mention he got a trophy in Midnight Hollow, but it was so laggy that either 1.) it didn't go into his inventory or 2.) I couldn't get him to City Hall to collect it. So he got the first trophy, but we do not have it.
Level 10 does not mean he can't catch himself on fire!
"What are you doing! Don't just stand there, run!"
Adonis: I find that if I cannot even invent a simple wigit without catching on fire, I should not go on.
"Fuck that, get your ass moving flame boy!"
Two close calls in one update, maybe inventing is not for us. Oh well, live on the dangerous side right?
His spirit collection so far. I have read once you have enough of one kind you can change them in for an urn and then get a ghost. We will see.
He has to make 250 of these things to complete the skill challenge. We're in for a long ride.
And this is where I will end this update. It took almost all day trying to figure out a world that wouldn't lag. I really don't know what was going on in Midnight Hollow, but like I said, I'll try in there again with a different Sim. Adonis looks like he fits in better in Dragon Valley anyways.
Till next time, thanks for reading!
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